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ACAS Guide on Mental Illness at Work

1st Jul 2012 | Employment

ACAS has published a helpful guide on tackling mental illness at work.  ACAS identifies the “fast-growing” problem of mental illness at work as “costing Britain more than £30 billion every year in lost production”.  The guide follows a step-by-step approach, aiming to show employers how to:

  • spot the signs of mental ill-health early;
  • raise awareness of mental health issues among managers and staff;
  • develop a culture where employees feel comfortable disclosing a condition;
  • approach an employee who may have a mental health condition; and
  • help affected employees cope with or overcome mental illness so they can effectively work again.

View or download the ACAS guide here.

For more information, help or advice please contact Tim Davies on 0191 211 7927 or email

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