Big ideas for new biogas plant

Peel Environmental and Progressive Energy is working to develop a £150m biogas energy plant at the 134 acre Protos energy park.
Fueling transport
The plant will generate biogas from around 175,000 tonnes per year of bio-resources, including unrecyclable wood and refuse derived fuel and gas being used for transport, creating sufficient energy to power around 1,000 heavy goods vehicles (HGVs) and buses.
The plant will be developed with future production of hydrogen in mind, with possible links to Cadent’s planning for a hydrogen network, part of its HyNET project.
Progressive Energy has submitted a planning application and, subject to approval and funding, the project is expected to be operational in 2022, with the possibility of a number of similar facilities being built during the 2020’s.
Vital for UK decarbonisation
Chris Manson-Whitton, from Progressive Energy, said: “Although the UK is making good progress in decarbonising its electricity supplies, the transport and heat sectors – which together represent around three quarters of our energy consumption – are lagging way behind.
“Facilities such as this could make a huge difference, providing renewable gas for transport fleets across the North West and beyond. In the future we could see a large proportion of the UK’s HGVs powered by this fuel.”
Energy expert view
“It’s very positive to see a major biogas project taking shape, particularly one that will directly help the transport sector with supply of renewable energy. It is also a project that may lead to more similar projects across the country in future.
“The market opportunity for biogas is certainly significant with the need to grow renewable energy use and reduce emissions across the transport and heat sectors, with the potential for more biogas being introduced to the gas network.” Alastair Fells MEI, Incorporated Eng, PG Dip Fuel Tech, BSc Hons
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