Government invests £80M to support development of electric vehicles and hybrid planes

The government is investing £80M to help development of next generation electric vehicles and hybrid technology aeroplanes, aimed at further cutting carbon emissions from the transport sector.
In collaboration with both industry and the academia, the investment will support development in power electronics, electric machines and drives (PEMD). In particular identifying and filling gaps in the supply chain for PEMD’s, which are being categorised as high efficiency and volume supply chains, low volume but high value supply chains. The collaboration will also support industrialisation centres for products using PEMD’s for example, vehicles and hybrid aircraft.
The investment is part of the Industrial Strategy Future of Mobility Grand Challenge, aimed at changing the way people work and travel with specific targets for 2040 of eliminating diesel rolling stock from UK railways, accelerating the delivery of electric and hybrid aircrafts and the delivery of zero carbon road transport.
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