North East unites in energy innovation drive

A group of North East based organisations across the academic, government and industrial sectors are to work together through the ‘North East Energy Catalyst’ with the aim of coordinating North East energy innovation, demonstration and delivery across onshore and offshore sectors. Ultimately, the collaboration aims to develop and demonstrate solutions to global energy challenges.
The partnership includes Newcastle University; Durham University; Northumbria University; Zero Carbon Futures (a subsidiary of Gateshead College); Northern Powergrid; Northern Gas Networks; the Offshore Renewable Energy Catapult which has test facilities at Blyth; the British Engines Group; the Innovation SuperNetwork; Northumbrian Water; the North of Tyne Combined Authority; and the North East Combined Authority. It is facilitated by the North East Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP).
Read more here or please contact Andrew Davison on 0191 211 7950 for help with your energy related legal needs.