Renewables provided a third of UK electricity during 2018

Data from the latest (2019) Digest of UK Energy Statistics - the Energy Institute’s online ‘Energy world’ (1st August 2019) - shows the amount of UK electricity from renewable sources has increased to 33% during 2018, an increase of nearly 4% from the 29.2% figure 2017, whist renewable electricity generating capacity increased to 44GW.
This is quite a significant move, whilst the low carbon share of total electricity generation which includes nuclear, increased to 52.6% during 2018, up from 50% during 2017. Looking at total energy consumption the increase in renewable energy on a 2009 EU Renewables Directive basis is perhaps less dramatic at 11% of total energy consumption during 2018 compared to 9.9% in 2017.
Energy expert view
“The growth of renewable electricity provision in the UK over the last decade is impressive, particularly over recent years and with the increase of offshore wind and solar generation and even more recently battery electricity storage technology. This looks set to continue as electricity costs from the larger scale renewables become more competitive and encouraged through the auction system for support. The areas that really need an equivalent level of attention are of course the transport and heat sectors which look likely to need significant long-term support to accelerate reduction in emissions.”
Alastair Fells MEI, Incorporated Eng, PG Dip Fuel Tech, BSc Hons
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