Surge in wind power more than just bluster

The Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy department has announced a new government-industry offshore wind sector deal, which should see a third of UK electricity coming from offshore wind by 2030. The department also expects 70% of the UK’s electricity to come from ‘low carbon’ sources by this time.
£Billions of growth
A new Offshore Wind Growth Partnership will be an important part of the arrangements, supported by industry, with investment of £250m aimed at helping develop the UK’s offshore wind supply chain, for example in the areas of new technology such as larger turbines, floating technology, robotics, advanced manufacturing and new materials.
Export business from the sector is also expected to grow significantly to around £2.6bn by 2030. As part of the deal the target for UK content in UK developed wind projects is to be increased to 60%. The government is also to provide £4m to help industry to share expertise and open up new markets worldwide for wind power as an alternative to more carbon intensive electricity generation.
Job generation
Claire Perry, Energy & Clean Growth minister, said: “This new sector deal will drive a surge in the clean, green offshore wind revolution that is powering homes and businesses across the UK, bringing investment into coastal communities and ensuring we maintain our position as global leaders in this growing sector.
“By 2030 a third of our electricity will come from offshore wind, generating thousands of high-quality jobs across the UK, a strong UK supply chain and a five-fold increase in exports. This is our modern Industrial Strategy in action.”
Energy expert view
“Good news for the offshore wind sector, with a strong message from government both on the sector development in the UK and export potential. Certainly aspiring to generate 30% of our electricity from offshore wind by 2030 indicates the government’s expectations for the sector and will help to encourage and stimulate investment.
“The potential for significant export growth is certainly there, particularly with the UK’s excellent supply chain and expertise in the sector.” Alastair Fells MEI, Incorporated Eng, PG Dip Fuel Tech, BSc Hons
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