Muckle helps North East charity secure new premises

Newcastle based charity JET (Jobs, Education and Training) is looking forward to a bright future in brand new premises, thanks to substantial financial support and voluntary legal advice from our lawyers here at Muckle LLP.
JET helps people from black and minority ethnic backgrounds, refugees, and any new migrant communities to find work, improve their skills, and integrate into the North East. Its commitment to the region was recognised at the North East Equality Awards 2017, winning the ‘Groups Who Have Made a Difference’ award for its volunteering programme.
Safe, secure and sustainable
The new building at Adelaide Terrace in the heart of Newcastle’s West End community offers a much more convenient location for many of the charity’s clients.
Julie Fernyhough, JET chief executive, said: “We are here to help anyone who is having problems integrating into society and we have supported thousands of people in improving their future prospects. We help them with communication skills, particularly if English isn’t their first language. We offer guidance on finding and securing work, look at opportunities for suitable training and provide a host of personal support beyond this.
“Our new premises provide a safe, secure space for our staff, with an IT suite and small training room. They also offer substantially better value for money than our previous premises.
Lending a helping hand
“Since being introduced to Muckle, their support has been quite unbelievable and has had a profoundly positive effect on our charity, staff and clients.
“Muckle helped improve our HR processes, provided staff training and delivered all the legal advice for our new premises. They even helped with moving costs. Now we are able to focus the delivery of our varied ESOL (English for Speakers of Other Languages) support packages and one to one advice and support around successful integration, which is critical to the financial independence of our clients.”
The ten year lease, handled by our real estate lawyers, has helped to secure JET’s future for years to come, ensuring the charity can continue to support over 1,000 people who depend on its services each year.
As well as pro bono legal advice, we completed free health and safety checks at the new premises and donated £1,000 towards JET’s moving and setting up costs.
Ongoing support
A number of our employees have also volunteered for the charity, including managing partner Jason Wainwright, who regularly teaches language and employability skills to new migrants at Newcastle Central Mosque.
Jason said: “Newcastle’s West End is one of the communities in the region which needs support for high unemployment, health, child poverty and debt.
“Muckle is a business that cares passionately about giving something back to North East communities, so we were very keen to help JET and the people it supports.
“I teach English to people and help with things like interview protocol and CV writing, so they can integrate and apply their skills better.
“Contrary to popular belief, most new migrants I work with are already employed and self-sufficient. They simply need a little help with the practical and cultural elements of adapting to life in Britain. In doing so they gain confidence, become more self-sufficient and their families, their local communities and the North East in general can benefit in return.
“The work JET does is incredible and we could not have been happier to see the charity recognised at the recent North East Equality Awards.”
Julie added: “We were delighted to win another North East Equality Award. It is fantastic recognition of the great progress our team and the people we support are making, crowning what has been a tremendous 12 months for JET.”
To learn more about our commitment to North East communities, click here.